Thursday, August 30, 2012


First and foremost, PRAISE THE LORD ALMIGHTY! For He is a Sovereign Lord that no other gods can compare with. God has been showered me with lotsa money blessings lately. I can't do anything else other than being thankful. :)

But among the two gifts I received, I rejected one of them because it's really a huge lump sum of money. Can't take it cause I will feel burdened. Chose to receive another one because it's reasonable. They comes from my relatives. :) thank you so much dear Lord. All these comes from your great mercy. :) God will never give too much or too little, it's always enough :D

Today is Malaysia 55th birthday. Proud to be born as a Malaysian.This is the year of Jubilee. Let revival strikes this beautiful land and lets stand up together to bring in the harvest! Hallelujah!

P.S. It takes great love, great courage, great joy to bring in the harvest. (Joy = Attitude)

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


Just called my university and they told me that my registration date is 3rd September. Which means I only have one more week left! My longest holiday ever in my life is going to end soon.

Today is a Wednesday and I'm not working. I spend a lot of time thinking though. About everything.

I was reflecting how I always let my anger and frustration ruled over me every time things turned upside down. and that might have caused lots of people to dislike me.

I like to deny whatever things people said that are right about me, especially things that I don't like to hear. Not a good attitude at all.

I am not humble and I am not generous. I am calculative. I do make false statements about others :( Stating these weaknesses out really needs courage eh, because I'm egoistic and admitting these are quite hard.

I'm trying to change, but determination plays a huge role. Just like my diet, I need to discipline myself.

Wish me luck. Change change change!!!



4。 勿目中无人,谦虚是王道。
5。 常与人争辨,你永远难赢。
7。刺猬原则—— 保持适当距离。


Sunday, August 26, 2012

A new week

:) Today kicks start with a bright Monday morning. Going out later with hubby. This would be our final week spending so much time together before we both starts our uni. Glad that at the moment everything is in order now. Has the rainstorm in life stop? or just a short pause? I wish I'd never hear the news again. Let yesterday be the last day I heard about it till the day our family manage to get back our beloved Proton :)

Oh well, guess what? I'm staring my 2012 Christmas shopping. The list goes on just like I'm a Santa Claus. hehe.. Very happy. Time to crack my brain to think about what to buy for hubby, brother, mum and dad.. And some of my good good good friends.. ^^

Lord! Thank you for everything! Especially last night when I was having bad visions and thoughts I manage to cling tight on you to pray in tongues and ta-dah! They are gone from my mind! Thank you Lord for such a wonderful sleep last night. Even though I got saliva on my hand. It means I'm tired enough to sleep so well :) *happy*

Conclusion, having a good sleep gives you a good mood and a good day. hehehe.. (valid until 9.20a.m. only, cause hopefully my students don't make me angry later.. haha.. )

Undecided and random

Undecided whether to claim back my money from friends or not. Cause it seems like I'm very stingy. But I need money! *seriously* :'(

Lately I've been so money-conscious that I finally realised that what makes me couldn't sit still and be peaceful is money issue. People out there might not bee understanding but for someone like me whom my parents only taking care of my food, I have to pay for my daily expenses. I'm not lucky like anybody else who has parents to pay for their school fees or bring their daughters or sons to go shopping and they don't have to pay a cent for the things they wanted. This is my life. Desperately earning for money to support myself. Just a reminder here, I'm not seeking for compassion or sympathy. This is my blog and I own the right to spill my worries and thoughts out. If you find that this blog doesn't suit your taste of knowing anything, better stop following my blog. :)

But I count myself lucky to have hubby who shared the same situation like me. If I have a filthy rich boyfriend, I think I'd be jealous of him and spend all his money and ended breaking up. Lol..

Anyway, *sighing*, I also realised that good friends who used to be able to listen to my thoughts aren't any longer suitable to be my listener. Cause certain things I want them to remain confidential. Really don't like people to invade my thoughts. Yea, you may say that friends who know you well should be kept by our side, but knowing too much about you aren't necessary a good thing. They could be straight forward to you till you aren't even prepared before they hurt you with their words. Sometimes I've been so stupid to do things that caused myself troubles and dismay just to please them, to see them happy. But I don't think I've ever treated in such way before. Warning: I'm not asking anyone to be special to me. Again, it's what I felt.

Now, I don't care whether I've hurt anyone out there or not. Never mind if I have friends or not, real or not real. Cause I'm tiring of concerning this issue. Those who are true and who will stay will stay.

 Mind you, I'm a stubborn girl.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

In the midst of Glooms

Today is a Saturday. Work full time cause afternoon I replace my colleague. These two days were not really happy. But in the midst of my gloomy days, I'm glad I have my hubby.

Well, glad that he insisted on accompanying me for dinner. At first I'm angry cause he just came and not accompanying me to eat. But my heart can't help but to melt when he appeared.

Was in a very bad mood these two days because of two reasons.
1) involved in a car accident and was told that I've to pay the "wira" driver. And the "kenari" driver will pay
    me only. So next year road tax will be very expensive. Plan to pay it on behalf of my mum. *deep sigh*
    hopefully everything's ok.
2) I don't like Saturday afternoon's class students. :(

Lately, some people just annoyed me a lot. Perhaps being lucky to have everything can makes a person not being considerate and appreciative. Just couldn't help it but to grumble. Sigh. I hope I can change this bad attitude. Perhaps it was me who was jealous.

That's all. :)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012








Tuesday, August 21, 2012







P.S. 告诉你多一个秘密,我很开心以前我们被误认是一对。:D

缘,这个字,给我一种很奇妙的感觉。今天刚看完了前几年当红的台湾偶像剧,那就是 “命中注定我爱你 ”。看完了之后,对缘分这两个字有不一样的想法。





Wednesday, August 15, 2012


本小姐有一个弱点,那就是悲观。我男朋友每次都说我是悲观主义者,连我的好姐妹也说我是。每当一个事情发生的时候,我总会觉得很糟很糟,又哭又闹的(惨过小孩子)。可是事情过了以后,当我回头看的时候,我会笑我自己,啊,原来只不过如此而已。干嘛当初要那么沮丧呢?正所谓:船到桥头自然直啊。Eh, 不对,因该是雨过天晴!


所以呢,不管发生什么事都好,切记,一切都会过去的,该发生的会发生,是你的就是你的。(顺便也提醒我自己,呵呵 ^u^)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

A sad one.

Lately, my health is deteriorating like madness. A week fever, and the next week flu. Currently having flu now. Super tired. But luckily I did take my medicine and slept for an afternoon.

Rainstorm cause everything does not seem to be going well, the way i wish. I get frustrated and really upset.

My relationship has started to shipwrecked. I lose faith and my confidence has slacked. I'm starting to re-think things between us all over again. Whether it's worth to continue on or give up before I'm in deep regrets. Absolutely tiring. Always get the feeling like how come both of us started no longer understand one another.

But he does care to quarrel with me. At least.

I haven't let him know that I'm in such a bad condition these few days. Though yesterday we met, he didn't notice anything.

I wish I can be released from all these storms now. But I haven't learnt enough yet. Not yet to the extend that I'll be more tolerant and stop being selfish. Or self-centered.
